School Operations

School Hours


Bag Bell                                             8:50am

School Commences                      9.00am

Morning Recess                              11:00–11:30am

Lunch Recess                                   1:30-2:30pm

School Dismisses                            3:30pm*


* Please note:  School dismisses at 2.30pm at the end of term.

On the last day of term 4, the last day of the school year, school will dismiss at 1:30pm.


Assemblies are held each Tuesday from 9am.


It is required that children always be punctual for school.  8.45am is the best time, so that they have adequate time to prepare for the day.


The school grounds are supervised by teachers from 8.45am to 9.00am each morning, at recess times, and after school until 3.45pm.  Parents are therefore requested to ensure that their children are not in the grounds outside these times.


Lunches are eaten in the classrooms from 1:30–1:45pm under the teacher’s supervision.


Punctuality - Late Arrival

From their first days at school children should be encouraged to acquire the habit of punctuality.  Ideally, every child should be at school at least 10 minutes before the start of school.


All late arrivals will be noted and monitored.  If you are arriving late it is necessary to report to the school office to enter your child's late arrival on the Compass Kiosk and to collect a late pass which must be given to your child’s teacher.  Please try to keep late arrivals to a minimum to avoid disruption to the class and your child.


It is the responsibility of each child to respond to the music and subsequent bell and return promptly to the classroom at the end of each recess.


Early Dismissal 

If an occasion occurs when you want to take your child earlier than the normal time, it is required that you go to the office and using the Compass Kiosk, enter your child's "Parent Pick-up".


Please note no collection of children between 11 – 11:30am and 1.45 – 2.30pm (unless previously arranged with your child’s teacher) as this is morning tea/lunchtime and the students are out playing and the teachers are having lunch.  


If a person other than a parent is calling for the child, the school must be notified in writing or by telephone in advance.



If your child is absent due to illness, please notify the school of this absence using the Compass Parent Portal or phone the school office. 


If your child is going to be absent for a period of time, e.g. holiday during school term, please come to the school office to complete a form or notify your child’s teacher using Seesaw.


Parents who have not notified the school/teacher of their child’s absence will receive an SMS from the school.  It is a Department of Education requirement to notify parents each day regarding unapproved absences.


Jewellery and Valuables

Children should not bring jewellery or other valuable items to school.  The school cannot take responsibility for the loss or damage of such items. 


Parents may request their child to have a mobile phone at school.  Mobile phones will be in the care of the school office during school hours.


© Clayton North Primary School