General Information

Lost Property

Unfortunately, children tend to misplace hats, windcheaters, jumpers and other items of clothing at school.


Unnamed articles of clothing are placed in the lost property basket located outside The Huddle.  To assist in the recovery of your child’s clothing please make sure all items are clearly marked with your child’s name. 


School Photographs

Class photographs are taken each year.  Family group photographs are also offered on the day.  The school uses a pre-pay system where parents order and pay online for the photos before the day.


Hot and Wet Day Programs

During light showers or extreme heat there are adequate undercover areas available to students.  However, there are many occasions when alternative arrangements are necessary because of wet weather or high temperatures.  When this does occur, the children remain in their classrooms under supervision. 


Normal dismissal times still prevail.


Book Club

The school acts as an agent for a publishing firm that offers books at reasonable rates.  Catalogues are distributed approximately every six weeks.  Orders are done online by parents and books are sent to the school and distributed to the students approximately three weeks later.  There is no obligation to buy.


House System

All students are allocated to one of the following Houses:

  • Freeman
  • Dunlop
  • Wood
  • Namatjira

Allocation depends on older siblings or numbers at each year level. Friendly competition is encouraged through activities such as sport events, academic and fundraising programs.


One House Badge is supplied as part of enrolment.  Additional badges are available from the School Office for a cost of $1.50 per badge.  These badges should be sewn onto your child’s jacket, polo top or dress.


Parent Involvement

The school considers it of paramount importance that parents be involved in their child’s education.  This involvement is of significant benefit to not only your child but also the school as a whole.  Parents are encouraged to become involved in any or all of the following areas:

  • School Council 

    The School Council is an elected body of parents and teachers who make decisions about School Policy and organisation.  

    Information relating to School Council can be obtained from the Principal.

  • Classrooms 

    Teachers often require parents to help in the classroom or with special activities.  Help can vary from assisting the class by hearing reading, helping with cooking or accompanying the class on an excursion.

  • General Assistance 

    During the year parents will be asked to give their time and lend willing hands to various tasks.  We ask parents to respond to these requests for assistance as help is always needed for -

    • Fundraising activities
    • Working Bee


© Clayton North Primary School